The Art of Crabbing in Wales

Families crabbing off of Beaumaris Pier

Crabbing in Anglesey was something new that I hadn’t seen before. Such a fun-filled adventure for families on the rare sunny days that show up in Wales. Crabbing isn’t as easy as throwing a line out and catching a crab similar to fishing. There is an art to crabbing in Wales that I discovered while walking along the piers. Here is everything you need to know about the art of crabbing in Wales. Crabs in a bucket

Families crabbing off of Beaumaris Pier

Fishing for crabs is a centuries-old pastime in Wales. Crabbing has been a recreational hobby for families to enjoy together for years in the United Kingdom. Most kids have been crabbing as a right of passage, but if you are new to crabbing, there are definite tricks to catch the most quantity and the largest size.

What Do You Need for CrabbingBucket of Crabbing Lines for sale

The essential gear for crabbing can be bought in most local shops. You will need a crabbing line, net, bucket, bait, and an excellent place to fish for crabs. Crabs like to hide among rocks, so fishing next to a wall can give you the advantage to help entice them out. And if you have the right bait, the better chances you have. The best bait is either large chunky bacon or frozen mackerel.

Unwinding a long crabbing line from the handle, you can tie the chunky bacon to the line before adding it to the net along with a few stones. This will help the net drift down to rest on the bottom. Keep the cord wrapped around your finger. You will feel a small tug when the crabs move into the net to eat the bait. When you gently reel the line back in, you might find 3-4 crabs munching on the bacon.Pulling up the line filled with crabsCrabs caughtPicking Crabs out of the net

Family FunPeople lined up crabbing on Beaumaris Pier

Crabbing can occupy kids and adults for hours at a time. I saw families competing to bring in the most massive haul among family members and others trying to outdo the other by the size of their crabs. But, most of all, I saw laughter and smiles among the families enjoying a day out. Kids weren’t playing on their smartphones. They were leaning over the pier, anxiously waiting for the net to be brought up and to see if it was full. They were excitedly grabbing the crabs out of the net and putting them in the buckets of seawater to add to their ever-growing collection of crabs. Then peering into the buckets to see the crabs climb over each other for their desperate attempt to free themselves. Any given day on the piers in Anglesey, you can find happiness and squeals of laughter, and you can’t help but want to join in.

Crabbing in AngleseyBeaumaris Pier and the Menai Strait

If you are looking where to find the best spots to go Crabbing, there are tons of great fishing sites in Wales. The biggest that I saw was on the Beaumaris Pier. The crowds fishing for crabs were jam-packed on the pier, and it was hard to find an opening that already wasn’t occupied by a family.  The other place I saw a lot of crabbing activity is the Conwy Quay. But, I think any place you can find a pier or wall to throw your net over, you can catch crabs in Wales. Another good tip is that the best time to catch crabs is between 1 to 2 hours before high tide and 1 to 2 hours after high tide.Crabbing in Conwy

Beware of the CrabsRogue crab got loose on the pier

The funniest thing that I saw was when someone accidentally dropped a crab when they were transferring it from the net to a bucket. All hell broke loose, Their kids and mom were screaming that a crab got loose. I cracked up laughing, watching the crab hide behind the wheels of a stroller then try to make a run for it back to the water. Unfortunately, for this little crab, he did get caught. Rogue crab making a run for itLittle crabs making a run for it

SummaryCrabbing crowds on the Beaumaris Pier

If you are looking for a fun activity for the whole family to do, try crabbing. Crabbing in Wales is a fun hobby and basically free. Oh, and before I forget, there are two more things to remember. When you are finished, release the crabs slowly back into the water. And don’t forget to Wash Your Hands!

Have you ever tried crabbing in Wales? What is the largest crab you caught? How many crabs did you catch in one outing?

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Further Reading

If you are coming to Wales for a visit, check out these posts for further travel inspiration:


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    Wanted to create a blog to share my crazy travel stories, either traveling solo or with my family. Plus to share my photos of my adventures!

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