Come and explore Wolcott Mill Metropark

On one of the many beautiful weekend days here in Michigan I decided to visit one of the Metroparks – Wolcott Mill Metropark.  This Metropark is a neat park that is divided into separate areas: the historical 164-year old Wolcott Mill, a working farm, camping area, and a golf course.  There are equestrian trails, fishing, and of course lots of hiking trails.

The highlight is the historic Wolcott Mill which still has the original flour milling machinery inside.  If you are looking for a beautiful photo spot, Wolcott Mill is very picturesque.

Plus, you can even hold a wedding at the Gazebo.


 Wolcott Mill Metropark.

I walked around and toured inside the mill.  The inside was filled with older equipment used in the mill.  Plus, there are lots of hands-on activities for the kids to see what it was like back then.

IMG_5781If you want just to spend time outside, there are three separate trails depending on how far you want to hike.  The Millrace Trail is a 1/2 mile long, the Mother Earth trail is 3/4 mile, and the Settler’s Trail is 2 miles long.  Each path is set up to enjoy nature and learn a little history.

Even if you aren’t interested in learning about the history of this part of Michigan, You can’t deny how beautiful this Metropark is.   Have you found any other hidden gems in Michigan? IMG_5753


  • Heather Raulerson Bio Photo

    Wanted to create a blog to share my crazy travel stories, either traveling solo or with my family. Plus to share my photos of my adventures!

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