Bring on 2017 Travel Goals & Recap of 2016
As I start the New Year sneezing and coughing…hate being sick! I begin planning out my yearly travel goals for 2017. I always start out with my ultimate goal of going someplace new every month. I haven’t achieved it yet but, I’m working on it. This year I’m focusing on improving/marketing my photography and building up the RaulersonGirlsTravel brand. So, with these goals in mind my sights are set on the following trips:
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Photographing the Northern Lights in Alaska
This March I’m heading to Fairbanks, Alaska for a Northern Lights Photography Expedition. I will be taking pictures of the northern lights all night long, and during the day I will be getting tips on how to sell my photos to fine arts galleries. I will be staying at Chena Hot Springs Resort. The fun stuff I will be doing is taking a ride in the Aurora Snow Coach and also going on a dog sled. So excited about this trip! I have been working on getting all my cold weather camera gear ready and making sure that I have enough warm clothing to be staying up all night outside. I can’t wait!
First National Travel Blogging Conference
Beginning of May, I will be attending TBEX North America in Huntsville, Alabama. I get to hobnob with other travel bloggers and get to meet tourism boards, brands, & sponsors. Who knows what will come out of this event? I am also signed up to visit NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Has anyone ever been here?
Rock on the Range
Of course, I can’t miss Rock on the Range in Columbus, Ohio the third weekend of May. For six years we have been going, and our little group has grown from two to four. We have gained a rock goddess from Florida who writes for Metal Nexus and my niece Kayla has now joined us.
New England Fall Treasures
My first vacation with my mother will finally happen this fall. I’ve been trying to get her to go somewhere with me for a while. We are all scheduled to go on a week’s tour through spectacular New England in the fall and stop at several quilt museums. This should be quite the trip with some gorgeous scenery, historic sites, and my mom’s favorite quilts, quilts, and more quilts!
2016 Recap
One of the other things I’m focusing on this year is to make sure I write up my trips quicker than what I did last year. I still have to tell you all about my trip to Myrtle Beach & Charleston, South Carolina, my epic vacation hunting waterfalls in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and my Europe road trip through England & Scotland. Last year was an amazing year taking tours around Detroit. Check out my posts on Polishes Churches in Detroit and Detroit Music Hall. Getting to explore areas that I haven’t been to in all my years living here has been fantastic. Hopefully this year I can add some more new experiences to that list.
I hope all of you are starting out 2017 with great travel aspirations and I wish you a very healthy New Year!
You will love photographing the northern lights! Alaska will be a great trip. Also the travel blogger’s convention sounds great! have a great year!