Are you ready to Rock on the Range?!

If you love music and especially Rock ‘n Roll you can’t miss Rock on the Range.  This 3-day concert is held every May in Columbus, Ohio at Mapfre Stadium.  I’ve been going for five years so far and each year it gets better and better.
Rock on the Range concert at Mapfre Stadium Ohio

There are three stages and over 50 bands.  The main stage is in the stadium with two smaller stages set up on the outside.  The headliners are on the main stage every hour with the smaller bands playing on the half hours.  You have to plan your day to get the most listening time of all your favorite bands.  I’ve had to watch one band for a half a set than rush over to the other side of the stadium to see the other band playing at the same time.


Last year there were approximately 120,000 people who came to the 3-day concert.  There are a couple of things that you should note once you enter the stadium, you cannot go back to your car.  It is a one-time entrance so, make sure you have what you need to bring.  Don’t forget sunblock (no cans) because there is limited shade at the stadium.  If you like people watching, you will not be disappointed.  The crazier the outfit, the more they get noticed and each year it gets weirder.  You might see Spiderman, the Mario Brothers, and even Where’s Waldo can make an appearance.


Where is Waldo?

Where is Waldo?

And what concert would be without a little crowd surfing and even having a wheelchair won’t stop you from having fun! My niece, Kayla even did some crowd surfing with a broken arm one year.

This show has been selling out so, if you want to join me with thousands of other rock fans you better hurry and get your ticket fast!  Rock on Rangers!!


  • Heather Raulerson Bio Photo

    Wanted to create a blog to share my crazy travel stories, either traveling solo or with my family. Plus to share my photos of my adventures!

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