Yes, There is a Santa Claus!
The first thing you see when you get to the North Pole is the candy cane covered light poles by all the snow-covered streets. The next thing you notice is the giant Santa Claus at 42 feet watching over the highway. The North Pole is a cute little town with its own library and many restaurants to choose from. The highlight though is Santa Clause House on St. Nicholas Drive.
Antler Academy
Right behind the giant Santa is the Antler Academy. This is where all the reindeer train to get a spot on Santa’s team. As I looked around the academy, I noticed that some of the reindeer were without their antlers, some with one and a few with both still on their heads. This happens every year when the reindeer shed their antlers around January. The antlers start growing back in April. Fun Fact: Antlers are one of the fastest growing tissues on mammals, growing up to a 1/4 inch per day.
Ice Sculptures were scattered around the back of the Antler Academy for you to peruse at your leisure. The only thing is that it was wicked cold and you could only stay out for a bit before you felt it down to your toes. Amazing that the reindeer are used to this climate. I was definitely not acclimating as quickly.
Santa Claus is in the House
The main shop is where you can meet the big man himself. Once inside, the store reminded me of Bronner’s in Frankenmuth. The displays and ornaments were beautiful.
Plus, Santa Claus, himself, was holding court on his throne. Laughing and greeting everyone that crossed his path.
Santa Claus House is filled with all kinds of gifts from the North Pole. You can even purchase postcards to send to kids that have the North Pole stamp on them. And for those who wondered where their Christmas Wish Lists go when they send them to Santa Clause care of the North Pole…well here of course!
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