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Finding Street Art in Strasbourg in the Most Unlikely Places

Colorful gorilla on a stump

Visiting new towns is something I look forward to on my travels. I was fortunate to visit Strasbourg, France, over my birthday weekend with a great friend from college and her family. We spent the day exploring the city, and as I always do on my travels, I keep an eye out for awesome street art. Strasbourg, France, did not disappoint in delivering some incredible murals that I was able to capture. The difference in this town is that you won’t find them on the side of buildings, you need to look for them in the most unlikely places. Here are my photos of the fantastic street art found in Strasbourg.

Colorful gorilla on a stump

Street Art on Electrical Boxes

Most of the street art murals I found were on electrical boxes located around Petite France. There were quite a bunch of them, and it was a treat to come upon one of them suddenly. I’m always partial to the colorful ones, but the black and white ones are just as striking.

Faces on the Side of Buildings

There were quite a bunch of faces painted on the side of buildings that I found so fascinating. What was the story behind these faces? The one above, why does he look so angry? Is it because somebody painted him on the side of the building with the toilet sign? I wouldn’t be happy with that. The one I found the most interesting was Nelson Mandela’s face. With the saying below it, “Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world.” I love this quote, and I truly believe this! Other faces around the town were just as interesting. I don’t know what it is that a simple face can lead to so many more questions. But, that is what good art does, it makes you ask questions.

Street Art on Building Walls

This is where you would expect the most street art to be found on building walls. But, Strasbourg was surprisingly mural free throughout the areas that I wandered through. Although I did find a couple of colorful paintings. Some people would thin that they are graffiti and ruin a building’s look, but I disagree. I think it adds so much character to an area that begs for tourists and art lovers to seek these out. What do you think?

Street Art on Garage Doors

I’ve seen art painted on garage doors in many towns throughout Europe. The only thing is that you can only see them when they are shut. So many times, you might miss them. I did find a couple while walking around Strasbourg.

Unusual Art Subjects

With my keen eye on finding the uncommon to photograph, it wasn’t a surprise that I stumbled upon this empty bathtub. It was just sitting in a side street with plants growing in it. Somehow with the oldfashioned green tub against the plain white wall, it works for me. What do you think?  The other thing that we found hilarious was a sad, lonely bike tire chained by the river. Missing the entire bike, the thieves took everything that wasn’t locked up. But, not a few steps down, we found a sad, lonely bike missing the seat, handlebars, and front wheel. We cracked up that we found this right after seeing the wheel by itself.


Sometimes art can be found in the unlikely of places. If you enjoy exploring new places and wandering down side streets, you might get a pleasant surprise. This is an activity that I make sure that I do wherever I travel to and love taking my friends on my street art adventures. Some of them have told me that they never thought of walking down those streets. I tell them you don’t know what you are missing. I hope that you liked this sampling of street art in Strasbourg and that you always wander down the side streets when you travel!

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Further Reading

If you are a seeker of amazing street art, check out these posts for further travel inspiration:

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